Outreach Material
Book of dissemination of Science.
"Si venimos del mono, ¿por qué somos tan cerdos? ¿Es posible estornudar sin cerrar los ojos? ¿Se podrá conseguir el teletransporte? ¿Qué hay de cierto en lo de Moisés y el Mar Rojo? ¿El veneno caducado mata más o mata menos? ¿Beber cerveza quita la resaca?"
20 scientists, almost all doctors and active researchers in different areas of knowledge: mathematics, chemistry, quantum physics, biology, neuroscience, telecommunications, genetics ... that are dedicated to the dissemination of the latest advances in science in the funniest way possible: ,onologues, workshops, courses, activities for children, monographs, videos, and much more!
The researcher at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences, Xavier Luri, is a member of the Big Van team
Què és la matèria fosca? Si no la veiem, com és que en podem parlar? Una revisió dels fonaments observacionals d’aquest concepte i l’estat actual del seu coneixement.
Jordi Miralda, ICREA- ICCUB researcher and Xavier Luri, ICCUB director, talk about the new results of the research on the Hubble Constant made by the Nobel laureate Riess' team using Gaia's and Hubble's data.
Today, Tuesday 29th of May, Xavier Luri has taken office as Director of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB). At the same time, Antonio Solanas took office as the Dean of the Faculty of Psycology and Santiago Sánchez as Director of the Barcelona Economic Analysis Team (BEAT).