Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
Outreach Material
Talk by Albert Escrivà in the 32nd edition of the "Encontres amb el Tercer Cicle 2019. Barrufaencontres: La Física de les Coses Petites"
«Oscuro y muy pequeño soy. De glotonería todo el mundo me acusa. En el Universo pocas cosas son más longevas que yo. Qué soy? Un Primordial Black Hole! En esta charla, veremos en detalle qué es un PBH, sus implicaciones en cosmología, y su explicación natural de lo más enigmático del Universo: la Dark Matter.»
Next week you will find ICCUB pre-doctoral researchers Ana Climent and Dani Marín offering a t
The "Encontres amb el Tercer Cicle" are a set of lectures made by PhD students and addressed to undergraduate students to help them know the different fields of study for a future PHD.
The "Encontres amb el Tercer Cicle" are a set of lectures made by PhD students and addressed to undergraduate students to help them know the different fields of study for a future PHD.
Talk byIvan Morera in the 32nd edition of the "Encontres amb el Tercer Cicle 2019, Barrufaencontres: La Física de les Coses Petites"