ICCUB news

Alba Cervera in ‘EL PAÍS con tu futuro’

Particle Physics

Alba Cervera participates with the talk 'Tecnología para manipular la naturaleza' on Quantum Computing research in "El País con tu futuro"  an event organised by El País which aims to help future degree students to choose their studies. Almost 50 speakers from different professional areas will be giving talks to 3600 students. "El País con tu futuro" is held on Thursday 18th and Wednesday 19th at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid. 

Talks are also available online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH6jCkHyBFo

"‘EL PAÍS con tu futuro’ acerca el mercado laboral a los estudiantes" is the article in the El País where is explained the event and where Alba Cervera is presented

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Alba Cervera, ICCUB
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