ICCUB news

Cosmologist Priyamvada Natarajan visits Barcelona invited by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB and the CCCB

Priyamvada Natarajan
NASA/Carla Cioffi

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Cosmologist Priyamvada Natarajan visits Barcelona invited by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB and the CCCB.

Natarajan will give the talk "Mapping the Invisible Universe" presented by the journalis Toni Pou aimed to the general public on 8th July in the context of the lecture cycle "The Frontiers of Knowledge", that reflect the limits of our ability to know and Understand the reality, through the dialogue between philosophical discourse and the advances of quantum physics.

At CCCB Priyamvada will discuss the great current discoveries of cosmology. If we mapped the universe, where would the limits of what we know lie? How we know what we know about the invisible universe? This are some of the questions that draw where the frontiers of cosmology research are at the moment. The physics of the last century has revolutionized our conception of the Universe.  Today we know that the Universe is dynamic and it is continuously expanding, but we are also aware that we do not know more than the 95% of it and that its main constituents - dark matter and dark energy - are invisible. The activity takes place within the framework of the Quantum Exhibition,  which can be seen at the CCCB until September 24th and has been designed with the collaboration of researchers from the UB.

On the 11th July Natarajan will participate in the conference series organized by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences "ICCUB Colloquia" aimed to professors and students of the Physics Faculty. She will present her work on an alternate channel to form massive black hole seeds in the early universe and the prospects for testing such model, in the talk "Disentangling nature from nurture: tracing the origin of the first black holes".

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