Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
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Press release
Licia Verde, ICREA researcher at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB), has been awarded the National Research Prize 2018. This distinction, granted by the Government of the Generalitat and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRi) recognizes the researcher who has recently contributed significantly internationally to the advancement of a scientific discipline in any of its fields: human and social sciences, life sciences and health, engineering and technology and experimental sciences.
The jury has valued the work of Licia Verde for its pioneering findings on Universe and to contribute decisively to understand how matter and dark energy are distributed in the universe. Licia Verde is an ICREA researcher at the ICCUB since 2010 and leads the Cosmology and Large Scale Structure Group. Among other awards, she received a Starting Grant from the ERC in 2009 and the Gruber Prize for Cosmology in 2012. She is an expert in fields that range from theoretical cosmology to cosmic radiation of microwave fields, through the structure. On a large scale, galaxy clusters, statistical applications and data analysis. During her professional career, Verde has worked on the main cosmology projects of the last decade: 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
The National Research Prize for Young Talent was by Marc Güell, a researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF); The National Award for Scientific Patronage has been awarded to the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, and the National Prize for the Public-Private Partnership in R & I at the Repsol-BSC Research Center.
Licia Verde, premi nacional de recerca 2018, SEA, 07/01/2019
Licia Verde, premi Nacional d’Investigació 2018 , coeducació, 19/01/2019
La cosmòloga Licia Verde i el programa NanoEduca guanyen el Premi Nacional de Recerca i el Premi Nacional de Comunicació Científica respectivament, Comunicació UB, 10/01/2019
La cosmòloga Licia Verde i el programa NanoEduca guanyen el Premi Nacional de Recerca i el Premi Nacional de Comunicació Científica, ACUP, 08/01/2019
La Fundació Pasqual Maragall guanya el Premi Nacional de Mecenatge Científic 2018, Fundació Pasqual Maragall, 10/01/2019
Premio Nacional de Investigación para Licia Verde y Nacional de Comunicación Científica para NanoEduca, UniBarcelona, 07/01/2019
La cosmóloga italiana Licia Verde gana el Premio Nacional de Recerca 2018, @LaVanguardia, 27/12/2018
Cosmóloga italiana Licia Verde, Premio Nacional de Investigación de Cataluña, @LaVanguardia, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde, de la UB, Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018, CCMA, 27/12/2018
La cosmóloga italiana Licia Verde gana el Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018, Europaress, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde guanya el Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018, FCRI, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde guanya el Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018 pels seus descobriments sobre l’Univers , @Vilaweb, 7/12/2018
La cosmòloga Licia Verde rep el Premi Nacional de Recerca, el punt avui, 28/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde guanya el Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018 , Aldia.cat, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde, de la UB, Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018 , @324, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde guanya el premi nacional de recerca 2018 pels seus descobriments sobre l'univers CRG , 27/12/2018
L. Verde shares the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics as part of the WMAP team, SOMM excellence alliance, 27/12/2018
La cosmòloga italiana Licia Verde guanya el Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018 , 27/12/2018
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Licia, Teresa and Iris
Interview with Licia Verde, ICREA research professor at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB). Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018.