Scheduled activities
Past activities
'Investigadores en Física Nuclear' in Reus
Investigadores en física nuclear
That's the story. Keys Aspects and Dilemmas of the Quantum Story
Despite this science still being in its infancy, humans are able to understand and manipulate material at the subatomic level and probe the origins and development of the universe.
Quantum Mechanichs simulations at Saló de l'ensenyament 2019
Quantum technologies will be of great importance in the near future incomputing and cryptography techniques and information handling.
Nuclear Physics: What is it and what is it for?
With this talk we present the advances of Nuclear Physics: the science that studies the properties of the atomic nuclei and their disintegration ways.
Simulations of Quantum Mechanics at YOMO 2019
The "Simulations of Quantum Mechanics" workshop will participate in YOMO 2019 from 26th February to 1st March.
Vocaciones STEM
Alba Cervera, researcher on Quantum Computing, participates in the conference “Mujer en la ciencia, el talento en las vocaciones STEM” to commemorate the International Day of Women and G