With the aim of bringing this fundamental science closer to pre-university students, the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona organizes its usual Summer Physics Campus " Physis
" for students of 1st year of Baccalaureate. (June 17 to 21, 2019)
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences participate in this edition with two talks and a practical exercice:
- LHC: La guerra de la matèria i antimatèria, by Dr. Eugeni Graugés
- La vida a l'oceà còsmic, by Dr. Josep Maria Solanes
- Explorant l'univers, by Javier G. Subils, PhD & Óscar Jiménez, master student.
Physis 2019 consists of five morning sessions in which the participants attend plenary dissemination conferences and carry out practices with active participation in small groups within the laboratories of our center. All scheduled activities address topical topics in the fields of meteorology and climatology, Astrophysics and Cosmology, elementary particles, relativity, quantum, new materials, superconductivity, solid state, electronic technology, etc.
The campus program is developed exclusively for faculty from the different departments and research institutes of the Faculty of Physics of the UB, under the coordination of the decanal team.
Once the campus is completed, attendees will receive a diploma certifying their participation.
Students of first of baccalaureate (students must have completed and passed 1st of baccalaureate during the course 2018-2019)
The activity is limited to 90 students.
In case the number of registrations far exceeds this figure, students will be selected according to their academic record, paying special attention to the qualifications obtained in the subjects of a scientific and technological nature.
Calendar and Schedules
- Pre-registration. from May 14 to June 5.
- Publication of the list of admitted: June 6.
- Payment of registration: from June 6 to 12.
- Duration from June 17 to 21, both inclusive.
- Schedule of the plenary conferences from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 10.30 am.
- Place: Aula Magna Eduard Fontserè.
- Break from 10.30 to 11 hours.
- Schedule of the practical sessions from Monday to Friday, from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
- Place: several laboratories of the center.
Plenary conferences (Catalan / Spanish language)
- Monday, June 17: LHC: The war of matter and antimatter, by Dr. Eugeni Graugés of the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics.
- Tuesday, June 18: The discovery of the blue LED and the consequences applied, by Dr. Joan Esteve of the Department of Applied Physics.
- Wednesday, June 19: Biophysics: how to explore Physics through Biology, by Dr. Marta Ibañes of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics.
- Thursday, June 20: Life in the cosmic ocean, by Dr. Josep Maria Solanes from the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics.
- Friday, June 21: Climate change: certainties and uncertainties, by Dr. Carmen Llasat from the Department of Applied Physics.
Practical sessions:
- Exploring the universe.
- Electronic technology .
- Electromagnetism and superconductivity.
- Lasers and holography.
- Game of "drones".
The admitted students must make the payment of 30 euros between June 1 and 9 (both inclusive) making an entry in the account ES61 2100-3642-13-2200076957 of BankCaixa, in which must indicate the reference "PHYSIS" and the full name of the student
The amount of the inscription is not returned except for the following exceptions:
- If the activity is suspended for not reaching the minimum enrollment or for reasons attributable to the UB.
- If the foreclosed place is waived at least 10 days before the start of the activity.
- Due to duly justified illness.
Any type of request for resignation and / or return will be made by email to the address sae.futurs@ub.edu, and attach the corresponding justification along with the account number where you must perform the return.
Filling out the enrollment application form 
Place and acces
The meeting point of every day will be the Solar Atrium of the faculty. Punctuality is requested.
Faculty of Physics
Mars í Franqués, 1
08028 Barcelona ( how to get there )