ICCUB news

The Particle Physics Workshop of the ICCUB in the first 'Biennal Ciutat i Ciencia'

Particle Physics

The Particle Physics Workshop participates at the 1st Biennal Ciutat i Ciència to be held in Barcelona from February 7 to 11. The Biennial organises during five days 70 free dissemination activities distributed in the 10 districts of the city and aims to facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge made in Barcelona and strengthen its link with the citizens.

The Particle Physics Workshop aims to bring  high school students with special interest in physics closer to one of the most important emerging fields: particle physics. During a day, the students will be able to explore this area with master classes, which the general public can follow through streaming, will make some practical work under the supervision of physicists and will subsequently discuss the results obtained with other participants from around the world.

The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB), in collaboration with the Societat Catalana de Física, has organised this workshop since 2005. The attendees of the workshop work with real data obtained with the " LHCb Experiment" at CERN, in which researchers from the ICCUB Experimental Particle Physics group have made important scientific contributions. The activity includes a videoconferencing connection with CERN physicists and other groups of students around the world to discuss their results, coordinated by the International Particle Physics Participation Group (IPPOG).

At the end of the day, students will be able to visit the laboratories of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona.


Biennal Ciutat Ciència



Related News & Activities

Particle Physics Workshop

Structure of the workshop:

  • Talks on particle physics given by our researchers at CERN.

  • Study with real data produced at LHC made by the students at the workshop. The results are combined with those obtained by other groups around the world through videoconferencing.

  • Brief presentation of the Physics Faculty and a visit to their laboratories.

Place: Physics Faculty of the University of Barcelona

Language: CA/ES/EN

Context: International Programme "Hands on Particle Physics"

Organises: Institut de Ciències del Cosmos

Contact: taller@icc.ub.edu

Activity for schools

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Ceremonies, Conferences & Talks
Eugeni Graugés, ICCUB
Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB)
Particle Physics