Available Materials
De la teoria de la relativitat
On the occasion of the anniversary of the publication of the Einstein's article about the General Theory of Relativity on December 2, 2015.
3rd time of the program, minute 3
Section J.I. Latorre with D. Mateos: El quark-gluon plasma.
Researcher David Mateos have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in La SER Catalunya.
Section J.I. Latorre with B. Julià: "El fred absolut"
¿Qué hay dentro de un agujero negro?
Interview with the physicist Roberto Emparan talking about black holes characteristicsand how science tries to define their nature.
Section J.I. Latorre with L. Verde: Viatjar al passat?.
Licia Verde, ICREA researcher at the ICCUB, have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in SER Catalunya.
Secció: José Ignacio Latorre & Mateo Valero
José Ignacio Latorre talks with Mateo Valero, one of the fathers of supercomputing, in the program Aquí, amb Josep Cuní on SER Radio.
Section J.I. Latorre with C. Abellan, CEO Quside. “La mecànica quàntica ens proporciona l'atzar absolut i profund i és fascinant”
Carlos Abellan, CEO from Quside start-up, have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in SER Catalunya.
Les dones i la ciència -A. Cervera
The ICCUB researcher Alba Cervera participates in the Radio programme Versió RAC1 talking about women in science with another two women scientists.