Outreach Material
Interview with the physicist Roberto Emparan talking about black holes characteristicsand how science tries to define their nature.
The Faculty of Science and Technology of the UPV / EHU organizes a program of divulgation activities to commemorate its 50th anniversary. Roberto Emparan, a graduate of this faculty and currently an ICREA researcher at the Institute Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona, gives a lecture entitled "Stephen Hawking: from the black holes to Theory of Everything." Roberto Emparan's field of research is the field of gravity, black holes and superstring theories.
The Institute of Cosmos Scieneces reseracher and ICREA reseracher, Roberto Emparan, is giving the talk "From Black Holes to the Theory of Everything.
ICCUB’s postdoc researcher Tomás Andrade will deliver an outreach talk named «El sueño va sobre el tiempo
In an article published in BBC’s journal Sky at Night researchers, among which we find ICCUB’s Postdoc researcher Tomás Andrade, study the possible exist