Books & Handbooks

Supplementary materials - ADMIRA project

Minipix Detector

Here you will find documents with information about Timepix, the manual of the PixetPro program and a small introduction to the nuclear physics, among others. They are complementary materials to start working with your students.

Documentation of the Timepix

This document introduces the operation and the main features of the MiniPix detector, one of the implementations made of the TimePix 2 detector. After a brief introduction to the detector and CERN, the hybrid pixel technology of the sensor and the electronics that process the signal is explained. Finally there is a brief introduction to the PixetPro software, made to the acquisition of data with the detector, and an explanation of the trace shown by the program of the different particles detected in TimePix.

Pixetpro Documentation

The MiniPix detector is configured, operated and visualized using a program called Pixet Pro. This document explains the main features of the software in its version.