Outreach Material
This website is an easy introduction to particle physics where the relation of particle physics with radiation, medicine and Big Bang is explained and some theoretical concepts, as the Standard Model, are introduced. It also contains some exercises.
This website has been made by the particle physics group at UB based on the original german website Teilchenphysik für die Sekundarstufe I.
Translation and adaptation from German to Catalan by: Ariadna Frutos
Report on the Workshop on Particle Physics, a workshop for high school students that the ICCUB organises annually in the Faculty of Physics.
Documentary about the scientific activity of the Experimental Particle Physics Group at UB (2010)
Report on the Workshop on Particle Physics, a workshop for high school students that the ICCUB organises annually in the Faculty of Physics.
Description of the GRID network, an international collaboration for the design and maintenance of a computational analysis infrastructure and data storage used by physicists who work with the data