Outreach Material
Prof. Garrido shows the most important experiments performed at CERN today in Particle Physics, the largest particle laboratory in the world. There, we can find the LHC detector, Large Hadron Collider, the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. Various experiments, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, and LHCb, are being performed on this detector depending on the position of the particle detectors.
What will we learn from Particle Physics?
1. The Difference Between Particle Physics and Astrophysics: Particle physics looks at matter at small distances and it is complementary with astrophysics looking at matter over great distances.
2. The purpose of particle physics: to study the fundamental structures of matter.
3. What are the basic particles? The electrons, the quarks and the light particle, the photon (and some more).
and much more!
Slides for the talk "LHC, desvetllant els secrets de la matèria" where the basics concepts of the Particle Physics are explained until LHC.
This diptych briefly explains what is LHCb, one of the CERN detectors to make experiments in the LHC particle collider.
Slides of the talk about Particle Physics of the Masterclass on Particle Physics 2017.
Catalan translation of a 3 min tour of CERN and its research facilities.