Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
Outreach Material
Talks given at the Workshop on Particle Physics 2017, held at the Physics Faculty on March 3rd 2017.
4 talks:
Ensenyament i recerca a la Facultat de Física, Atilà Herms (Facultat de Física UB). Slides.
Introducció al taller de Física de Partícules, Ricardo Graciani (ICCUB). Slides.
La Física de partícules, Ll. Garrido (ICCUB). Slides.
Les tècniques de detecció i els grans detectors, Eugeni Graugés (ICCUB). Slides
Neutrinos are the most elusive elementary particles in nature: each second we are traversed by trillions of neutrinos, even though in our entire lifetime just one of them will interact with our bod
Neutrinos are the most elusive elementary particles in nature: each second we are traversed by trillions of neutrinos, even though in our entire lifetime just one of them will interact with our bod
Thanks to five successful editions, the Beamline for Schools (BL4S) competition that offers highschool students the chance to conduct a real experiment at a real research laboratory has become a very popular science competition that has so far motivated almost 10,000 students to learn about particle physics.
Video of the talk on Particle Physics by Professor Lluís Garrido in the Workshop edition of March 8, 2019
Video of the talk on detectors by Professor Eugeni Graugés in the Workshop edition of March 8, 2019
Presentation of the detectors talk of the Masterclass on Particle Physics.