
New cycle of ADMIRA TALKS

Projecte Admira
Institut del Desenvolupament Professional, Universitat de Barcelona.
Rafel Ballabriga, CERN
Eugeni Graugés, ICCUB
Oliver Keller, CERN
C. Granja, J. Jakubek, L. Marek, Advacam Prague
Particle Physics
Professorat infantil, primària, secundària i FP

The new set of conferences "Admira Talks" will be held from May 28, 2021 to June 14, 2021 and it will consist on a series of 4 lectures given by international experts surrouding the ADMIRA project.

This project seeks to motivate high school teachers offering them the chance to work with state-of-the-art technology developed in research centers such as CERN,  as well as providing additional formation and a networking space around a specific topic. It allows students and teachers the opportunity to handle real scientific instruments and data to experiment with and thus, be the main characters in their research projects making a contribution to the creation of scientific knowledge. The ultimate goal is to bring research closer to high school students so as to encourage STEM careers among them using the detection of particles with the MEDIPIX sensors as the means to that.

This 4 lectures are organized by researchers from CERN and from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona and the ICCUB in collaboration with the IDP-ICE. 

The access to the lectures is completely free - they are open to all students and teachers with an interest in the subject and they aim to complement the activities that the ADMIRA work group of our institute organized last year.

This activity will not be certifiable and has free access through several links. The language of each talk is specified in the program below.



TALK: "How can we "visualize" particles with the detectors Medipix/Timepix"

In this presentation we will study the technology around hybrid detectors developed originally at CERN.

We will observe the process of electronic measurement that converts the signal emited by a particle in the detector to a computer image.

We will also discuss the transistor, the building block of microelectronic circuits and hybrid pixel technology applications. 

Given by Rafel Ballabriga (CERN)
Language Catalan
Date and time 28/05/2021 (Friday), 16:30h-17:30h

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 616 7816 8136
Passcode: 302421


TALK: “Let’s play with particle physics, Discover radiation everywhere with CERN technology”

Radiation is everywhere. In nuclear reactors, particle accelerators and outer space but also in the air around us, in the soil even in our own bodies (in very small levels). You can see it yourself with innovative CERN Medipix pixel detector technology. We will together go through the demonstration of interactive detection with online visualization of different sources of radiation.


· Introduction: Radiation everywhere in normal environment.

· Operation of miniaturized radiation camera.

· Interactive demonstration online detection on the desk – explanation and discussion.

· Other examples of radiation – outer space, particle accelerators, cosmic rays, ...

Given by C. Granja, J. Jakubek, L. Marek (Advacam Prague)
Language English 
Date and time 31/05/2021 (Monday), 16:30h-17:30h

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 624 6822 5898
Passcode: 499505


TALK: "Introduction to radiation"

We will begin this presentation by briefly recalling the principles of atomic structure (electronic and nuclear) that will set the groundwork to understand radioactivity.

We will describe the main parameters that characterize radioactivity and some of the most common examples. Next, we will present the classification of the different radioactive processes, some of their features and how to quantify radiation amounts (radiometry).

Lastly, we will explain how to measure the effects of radioactive exposure (dosimetry) and the safety precautions one must take so as to avoid such exposure (radiation protection), as well as some radiation detection mechanisms.

Given by Eugeni Graugés (ICCUB)
Language Catalan
Date and time 07/06/2021 (Monday), 16:30h-17:30h

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 623 6165 8998
Passcode: 201564


TALK: "Measuring natural radioactivity from cosmic rays and the soil with pixels and diode detectors"
Summary Oliver will present different educational experiments and radiation detector instruments that he developed during his doctoral studies at CERN. His 'DIY particle detector' project ( can be easily built by students and teachers, and works similarly to one pixel of advanced pixel detectors like Timepix. Both are great tools for learning about natural radioactivity from the atmosphere (Muons!), the soil (natural Uranium, Thorium, Potassium-40 etc.) as well as from everyday objects.
Given by Oliver Keller (CERN)
Language English
Date and time 16/06/2021 (Monday), 16:30h-17:30h

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 3341 1797
Passcode: 719823

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Rafel Ballabriga, CERN
Particle Physics

Related Material

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Eugeni Graugés, ICCUB
Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB)
Particle Physics