Outreach Material
Explanation of the Higgs Field concept and its relation with the mass of elementary particles.
Produced by: Mannmade Productions
Directed by: Chris Mann
Credits: CERN (YouTube CERN channel)
Catalan translation: Ariadna Frutos, Hugo Ruiz (Universitat de Barcelona)
Spanish translation: Ariadna Frutos, Hugo Ruiz (Universitat de Barcelona)
The history of the Universe, from Big Bang to the creation of stars and galaxies.
Documentary about the scientific activity of the Experimental Particle Physics Group at UB (2010)
Descripció d'un dels 4 detectors de l'LHC: l'LHCb, destinat a estudiar la partícula "B".
Briefly explanation of the Large Hadron Collidern (LHC) on CERN.
File to be printed on A3 paper, on two sides. Fold the paper in half.