Outreach Material
Interview with Licia Verde, ICREA research professor at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB). Premi Nacional de Recerca 2018.
If we mapped the universe, where would the limits of what we know lie? How we know what we know about the invisible universe?
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Cosmologist Priyamvada Natarajan visits Barcelona invited by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB and the CCCB.
The cosmologist and theoretical astrophysicist Licia Verde received the Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture yesterday. Awarded by the European Astronomical Society (EAS), the award was presented within the framework of the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS), which takes place in Lyon from June 24 to 28.
The standard cosmological model explains how the universe evolved over time and allows us to reproduce the state of the universe at different times, with the margin of error getting smaller and sma