Available Materials
De la teoria de la relativitat
On the occasion of the anniversary of the publication of the Einstein's article about the General Theory of Relativity on December 2, 2015.
3rd time of the program, minute 3
Primordial Black Holes
Talk by Albert Escrivà in the 32nd edition of the "Encontres amb el Tercer Cicle 2019. Barrufaencontres: La Física de les Coses Petites"
Woman and Physics
What is the role of women in the history of physics? What are their contributions?
¿Qué hay dentro de un agujero negro?
Interview with the physicist Roberto Emparan talking about black holes characteristicsand how science tries to define their nature.
Unravelling the Dark Universe
The night sky is full of amazing images, which catch our eyes and blow our minds. However, there is much more out there: things that are waiting to be discovered.
Democracias Robotizadas
"Democracias Robotizadas" talks about the role that machine learning, artificial intelligence, bayesian statistics and quantum computing will have on our societies.
Iluminando el lado oscuro del universo
El descobriment de les ones gravitatòries -el peculiar so de dos forats negres que xoquen i es fonen un amb altre- canviarà la nostra manera d'imaginar l'univers: a partir d'ara escoltarem la seva
Si venimos del mono, ¿por qué somos tan cerdos? y otras preguntas
Book of dissemination of Science.
Gauge/String Duality, Hot QCD and Heavy Ion Collisions
Over the last decade, both experimental and theoretical advances have brought the need for strong coupling techniques in the analysis of deconfined QCD matter and heavy ion collisions to the forefr