Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
Outreach Material
Video of the doubleslit.py module, which solves the 2D time dependent Schrodinger equation with a configurable grid of slits.
Developed in the QuantumlabUB, a project build by undergraduate students in Physics from the University of Barcelona.
The project has been initiated by Daniel Allepuz and Jan Albert Iglesias in Feb 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Muntsa Guilleumas and Bruno Julia Diaz from the department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Barcelona. It is work done under the subject Practicas de Empresa.
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) is joining the celebra
What are space and time? What exactly is gravity?
We are very pleased to invite you to the presentation of the new
Alba Cervera Lierta, a Senior Researcher at the Barcelona
Guide to perform an activity of modeling the atom using cooperative work and personification, in order to introduce the students of ESO and / or the bacc
Entrega 25 de la colecció Un paseo por el cosmos, RBA 2016
Researcher David Mateos have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in La SER Catalunya.