Outreach resources
Institute of Cosmos Sciences & Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics
University of Barcelona
The workshops "Gaia: la galàxia en 3D" and "Simulacions de mecànica quàntica" will represent the Institute of Cosmos Sciences and the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Barcelona in this year's edition of the Saló de l'ensenyament celebrated from March 20 to 24 in the Fira de Montjuïc.
Ética para máquinas a new popular science book written by the theoretical physicist J. I. Latorre has been released by Ariel. The book seeks to cover the ethical needs of this 21st century which is characterized by the emergence of the advanced artificial intelligence, that puts into question the intellectual superiority of humans, their essence and their place in life.
In this outreach talk on dark energy, we'll explore the depths of the universe to understand one of its greatest mysteries.
In 2015, a new window was opened to observe the universe: the first signal of gravitational waves was detected on Earth. What are gravitational waves?
In this talk, we will review the history of nuclear physics.
Inaugural debate of “Quantum” exhibition with the participation of Mónica Bello, curator and director of Arts at CERN; José Ignacio Latorre, scientific adviser to the exhibition; and the artists Ju
Video of the complete edition of March 22, 2019 of the Workshop on Particle Physics
Interview with the physicist Roberto Emparan talking about black holes characteristicsand how science tries to define their nature.