Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
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Two projects with the participation of members of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) have been awarded at the IX Outreach Contest of the CPAN (National Center for Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics).
The awarded nominations are "Hybrid detectors to visualize particles in secondary education", presented by the members of the project ADMIRA (Activitats amb Detectors Medipix per Investigar la Radiació a l'Aula) in the category of Experiments and Demonstrations and "The largest telescope in the world", presented by ICCUB pre-doctoral researcher and scientific communicator Toni Bertólez (@delbuitaltot), in the video category.
The aim of this contest is to stimulate the production of outreach material to transmit to the general public, and high school and university students in particular, the advances in research in Particle Physics, Astroparticle Physics and Nuclear Physics.
The prizes, endowed with €1500, will allow both projects to continue growing and bringing physics and science to a broader audience. The awards ceremony took place today, Friday 25 November at the XIV CPAN Days in Bilbao.
About the ADMIRA project
The ADMIRA (Activitats amb Detectors Medipix per Investigar la Radiació a l'Aula) project has created a network of schools around the use of Timepix Detectors designed at CERN to bring the research done in Universities and Research Centres in the field of radioactivity and particle physics to students and secondary school teachers.
The project's working group consists of teachers from several secondary schools in Catalonia as well as members of ICCUB and CERN who collaborate to dynamize this network of schools, create pedagogical materials around the detector and train the rest of the educational agents in the use of the detector and the theoretical concepts behind radioactivity.
The members of this working group, headed by Daniel Parcerisas (Sagrada Família, Gavà), Rafael Ballabriga (CERN) and Eugeni Graugés (UB) have presented the winning nomination "Hybrid detectors to visualize particles in secondary education", based on his experience within the project, together with Anna Argudo (ICCUB), David Corrons (La Salle Manlleu), Iolanda Huguet (INS Mollerusa IV), Esther Pallares (ICCUB), Hernan Pino (Sant Nicolau, LIWU), Francesc Salvat (CERN ) and Sonia Tarancon (Santo Angel).
About the project Del Buit Al Tot
Faced with the need to have a scientific outreach channel aimed at young people and in Catalan, Toni Bertólez started the Del Buit Al Tot project in 2020, with which he explains physics concepts in a dynamic and entertaining way on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.
Toni is also part of the dissemination network Neurones Fregides (@neurofregides), a platform of young scientific communicators who explain science on social media in Catalan.
Del Buit Al Tot is already a couple of years old, but this has not been the first experience of its creator in the world of dissemination. From science monologues to a multitude of projects on social media, he has experimented with very different formats.
With the video "The largest telescope in the world", Toni explains to us in an effective, dynamic and rigorous way the characteristics of the IceCube Antarctic neutrino telescope.
Regarding the nomination, the jury evaluates "the quality of the editing and production of the video, as well as the author's ability to communicate and the audiovisual resources used".
Congratulations to both projects!
On the 13th of September a group of secondary school teachers, students and scientists from the University of Barcelona and CERN gathered for a workshop to inaugurate the academic year 2024-2025 of the ADMIRA initiative. The ADMIRA initiative is an activity with the objective to bring state of the art hybrid pixel detectors developed by the Medipix collaborations to secondary school classes.
On the weekend of April 1st and 2nd, the Cosmos Days will take place at the Guinardó Civic Center (Barcelona).
A radioactive material is any substance that emits ionizing radiation.
Guide to perform an activity of modeling the atom using cooperative work and personification, in order to introduce the students of ESO and / or the bacc
Here you will find documents with information about Timepix, the manual of the PixetPro program and a small introduction to the nuclear physics, among others.