Outreach Material
The video of the YouTube channel Best of Science: CERN: The Standard Model Of Particle Physics, was produced in the multimedia internship contest of CERN/ATLAS. A team of the ADMIRA project has tranlate part of its content to catalan.
To activate catalan subtitles, you have to download this document.
Two projects with the participation of members of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona (ICCUB) have been awarded at the IX Outreach Contest of the CPAN (National Center for Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics).
The company Hamamatsu, world leader in photonics technology, has presented the schools members of the ADMIRA (Activitats amb Detectors Medipix per In
The teacher’s Training Day of the ADMIRA (in Catalan, Activitats
A radioactive material is any substance that emits ionizing radiation.
Guide to perform an activity of modeling the atom using cooperative work and personification, in order to introduce the students of ESO and / or the bacc
Here you will find documents with information about Timepix, the manual of the PixetPro program and a small introduction to the nuclear physics, among others.