
Interview with Alba Cervera

Alba Cervera, ICCUB

El món quàntic està format per àtoms, els elements fonamentals de la vida. En ell, el temps i l'espai funcionen de manera diferent al nostre món. The Òrbita Laika program devoted to the future receives as a special guest the young promise of quantum computing Alba Cervera.

Alba takes us into the qubits and the peculiar characteristics of microscopic particles, such as the superposition or the duality particle-wave. In her interview with Edu, the researcher shares the applications of quantum computing, which allows coding the information of a quantum molecule in qubics much more efficiently than if we used a normal computer. And in a program about the future, you could not miss the last question of the interview: your expectations about quantum computing by the year 2040.

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Link with the progamme

ICCUB news
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