Outreach Material
Xerrada a càrrec de Carlos Granja, Lukas Marek, Jan Jakubek i Patrik Bloudek en el context del projecte ADMIRA.
En aquest seminari es presentaran els xips Medipix i Timepix, desenvolupats per les col·laboracions Medipix basades al CERN.
The Physics Faculty of University of Barcelona and CERN are collaborating on the organization of a one-week summer course for students in their second year of Baccalaureate (~18
The ADMIRA Project (Activities with Medipix Detectors to Investigate Radiation in the classroom) aims to create a network of schools around the use of Timepix Detectors designed at CERN. The objective is to bring the Institutes closer to the research done in Universities and Research Centers. A group of schools that have participated in a selection process will use these devices in their classrooms. Teacher training activities will be open to any institute teacher who is interested (with the aim of expanding the network in future editions).
On this website you can consult the objectives of the ADMIRA project, the ways of participating and the activities offered for teachers and students. You can also find the didactic orientations, skills and key contents that are intended to work.