Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
News article on
Ética para máquinas a new popular science book written by the theoretical physicist J. I. Latorre has been released by Ariel. The book seeks to cover the ethical needs of this 21st century which is characterized by the emergence of the advanced artificial intelligence, that puts into question the intellectual superiority of humans, their essence and their place in life. The author proposes a reflection on an ethics for these new intelligent machines that will overcome us, will make decisions for us and govern us.
José Ignacio Latorre Sentís is an ICCUB researcher, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Barcelona and director of the Pedro Pascual Science Center of Benasque. He is one of the most recognized Spanish physicists in the field of quantum physics. He has made crucial contributions to field theory and quantum interlocking. Its main lines of research revolve around quantum information, quantum entanglement, elemental particles and quantum field theory.
Interview with J. I.
El futuro será cuántico o no será. Pero, ¿estamos preparados para esta nueva era?
Premiere of the science section Amb Q de Quàntic by J. I. Latorre in the program Aquí, amb Josep Cuní from SER Radio. In his first program J.I.
Inaugural debate of “Quantum” exhibition with the participation of Mónica Bello, curator and director of Arts at CERN; José Ignacio Latorre, scientific adviser to the exhibition; and the artists Ju
Licia Verde, ICREA researcher at the ICCUB, have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in SER Catalunya.
Thanks to technological development, we have learned to live with machines that surpass us in physical strength and calculation power.
José Ignacio Latorre talks with Mateo Valero, one of the fathers of supercomputing, in the program Aquí, amb Josep Cuní on SER Radio.