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Anna Ferré-Mateu discusses the Origin of the Universe in an article of the Spanish Newspaper El País



Researcher Anna Ferré-Mateu of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB (ICCUB) discusses an alternative theory of the Origin of the Universe (different from the theory of the Big Bang) in the section Las Científicas Responden of the spanish Newspaper El País. In this section, female scientists answer the questions posed by citizens outside the scientific community. In this case, the question was: Could our Universe have been born from the collision of two black holes?  


In order to answer this question, Dr. Ferré-Mateu tells us about a very similar feature that the birth of our Universe and black holes share: they both originated in a space-time singularity. As mentioned by the researcher, «a singularity is a point in space-time where there’s a huge amount of matter condensed in a teeny tiny physical space. At this point, the physical laws that govern the rest of the Universe, Quantum Physics and General Relativity, are not valid anymore and therefore, we do not know what there is in that point».


This alternative theory tells us that the origin of our cosmos was due to the creation of a black hole in an already existing alternative universe. With the spontaneous appearance of this singularity, the creation of our own universe could have been triggered in a way that it would be contained completely within this black hole existing in a parallel universe. In this hypothesis, we would exist only inside the black hole and we would not be able to see outside the event horizon (since that is the very definition of a black hole). From our point of view, nothing else would exist and our Universe would be unique.  

In the words of the researcher «black holes and the Big Bang are the only two things that we know of that contain a singularity. Our Universe was born in one, so it is not a crazy idea to think that its origin was one of these two known singularities.»

You can read the whole article in this link.

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