Available Materials
Quiz - Practical exercice 2019
Introduction to the Workshop on Particle Physics 2019
Introduction to the Masterclass on Particle Physics by Eugeni Graugés in 2019 where the structure of the workshop is explained.
Elementary particle detectors and accelerators
Presentation of the detectors talk of the Masterclass on Particle Physics.
Ética para máquinas
Thanks to technological development, we have learned to live with machines that surpass us in physical strength and calculation power.
La Era Cuántica. José Ignacio Latorre en conversación con Juliana Restrepo
Se nos ha dicho que el tictac de la Tierra es atómico, es un tictac cuántico, que hay presencia inadvertida de la cuántica en la vida cotidiana, en la manipulación informativa y en
Quantum Annealing
An explanation of the quantum annealing, a future technology for solving optimization problems.
External educational material for the Workshop on Particle Physics
Websites about LHC and its experiments
El recorregut de les partícules
Catalan translation made at ICCUB of the video The bottle to bang, a description of the route of the protons at CERN, from the hydrogen cylinder, to the Large Hadron Accelerator (LHC), thr
Maqueta de l'LHCb
Model of the LHCb made by the Grau Alcázar workshop, under the supervision of the group on particle physics at Universitat de Barcelona.
Democracias Robotizadas
"Democracias Robotizadas" talks about the role that machine learning, artificial intelligence, bayesian statistics and quantum computing will have on our societies.
L’electrodinàmica quàntica sempre té un paper en la nostra recerca sobre els límits del model estàndard
Richard Feynman (1918-1988) és un dels pares de l’electrodinàmica quàntica (QED, per la forma en anglès quantum electrodynamics), raó per la qual va rebre el Premi Nobel de Física l’a