Black hole picture of galaxy M87
On Wednesday, April 10, the image of the supermassive black hole in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy made by the scientific team of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) was made public.
On Wednesday, April 10, the image of the supermassive black hole in the center of the Messier 87 galaxy made by the scientific team of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) was made public.
The 2019 Lodewijk Woltjer Lecture is awarded to Prof. Licia Verde (ICREA at University of Barcelona, Spain) for outstanding work in cosmology, especially in the study of the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale structure of the Universe.
The workshops "Gaia: la galàxia en 3D" and "Simulacions de mecànica quàntica" will represent the Institute of Cosmos Sciences and the Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Barcelona in this year's edition of the Saló de l'ensenyament celebrated from March 20 to 24 in the Fira de Montjuïc.
Ética para máquinas a new popular science book written by the theoretical physicist J. I. Latorre has been released by Ariel. The book seeks to cover the ethical needs of this 21st century which is characterized by the emergence of the advanced artificial intelligence, that puts into question the intellectual superiority of humans, their essence and their place in life.
J.I. Latorre, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the UB and researcher at the ICCUB, make today the debut in his brand new science section Amb Q de Quàntic in the programme Aquí, amb Josep Cuní from SER Catalunya Radio. In this first broadcasting J.I. Latorre talks about quantum computing with A. Cervera, PhD student at the ICCUB, and J.
The Particle Physics Workshop participates at the 1st Biennal Ciutat i Ciència to be held in Barcelona from February 7 to 11. The Biennial organises during five days 70 free dissemination activities distributed in the 10 districts of the city and aims to facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge made in Barcelona and strengthen its link with the citizens.
ICCUB will host a new edition of the Masterclass in Particle Physics, held at the ICCUB under the name of Taller de Física de Partícules. The registration for the two editions offered this year will be opened from January 22nd to 29th.
Alba Cervera participates with the talk 'Tecnología para manipular la naturaleza' on Quantum Computing research in "El País con tu futuro" an event organised by El País which aims to help future degree students to choose their studies. Almost 50 speakers from different professional areas will be giving talks to 3600 students. "El País con tu futuro" is held on Thursday 18th and Wednesday 19th at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid.