Workshops & fairs

Particle Physics Workshop 2019

08/03/2019 i 22/03/2019

09:30 - 10:00 Registration

10:00 -10:10 Presentation

10:10 -11:10 Talk: "La física de partícules" (Lluís Garrido)

11:10 - 11:40 Break

11:40 - 12:20 Talk: "Les tecniques de detecció i els grans detectors" (Eugeni Graugés)

12:20 - 12:40 Talk: " Ensenyament i recerca a la Facultat de Física" (Atila Herms)

12:40 - 14:00 Break 

14:00 -14:20 Talk: "lntroducció a l'exercici pràctic" (A. Alfonso, P. Gironella)

14:20 -16:00 Practice session: 'estudi de desintegracions al detector LHCb' (coord. M. Calvo)

16:00 -16:30 Comparison of the obtained results with those of the other universities 

16:30 - 17:00 Question session 

17:00 -18:00 Visit to the Laboratories of the Physics Faculty



  • The inscription is done by the physics teachers.
  • The enrolled students must attend the 2nd year of high school, and must have special interest in the subject of physics.
  • The acceptance of the students will be based on the prioritisation of the teacher and the chronological order of enrolment.
  • Only one registration per secondary centre will be allowed.
  • Registration will be made through the form below and will be open from January 22 at 10:00 to January 29 at 18:00.
  • Due to the high demand no exception will be admitted in the requirement to be a student of the 2nd year of high school or in the selection procedure. In the registration form it will be necessary to write the email addresses of the students, which will be used to contact the accepted students.
  • After the registration period, the list of admitted students will be published in the participants tab on this page. Before the 11th of February the admitted students must make the payment of the € 10 (*) of registration fee in the current account that will be announced.
  • Due to the high demand, an automated system will be applied that will allow enrolling up to three students per secondary centre, by prioritised order. The order of prioritisation made by the teacher is very important, since in previous years we have only been able to accept one or two students per institute.
  • The Workshop is an activity aimed at students, and it is not necessary to be accompanied by teachers. Teachers who wish to accompany the students - for example to facilitate their transportation - can attend the plenary sessions as listeners.
  • On the day of the workshop, students must have an authorisation signed by the parents and / or guardians and an authorisation by the teacher who has made the registration model for minors, model for over 18 years.


For any incident in the registration process, please contact us at

The registration form for the Workshop will open from 22-01-2019 to 28-01-2019.


(*) The registration fee is not returned except in the following exceptions:

  • If the activity is suspended for not reaching the minimum enrolment or for causes attributable to the UB.
  • If you give up the place provided with a minimum of 10 days before the start of the activity.
  • Illness duly justified.
  • Any type of request for resignation and / or return will be made by email to the address, and attach the corresponding justification along with the account number.


Participants Workshop 2019

Friday 8th March

Alvarez Lopez Eric 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI SANT GABRIEL Sant Adrià Del Besós
Andreu Sanchez Sintayehu 8/3/2019 ATENEU INSTRUCTIU Sant Joan Despí
Apalimov Baranov Alan 8/3/2019 ESCOLA VEDRUNA Palamós
Aznar Pereira Arnau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT FONT DEL FERRO Palafolls
Badia Mota Xènia 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAQUIMA PLA I FARRERAS Sant Cugat
Ballester Ribo Victor 8/3/2019 INSTITUT LA LLAUNA Badalona
Batalla Tortajada Eloi-Bernat 8/3/2019 ESCOLA FREDERIC MISTRAL - TÈCNIC EULÀLIA Barcelona
Benet Moya Gemma 8/3/2019 ESCOLA SANT GERVASI Mollet Del Vallès
Berta Cabañas Genís 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOSEP BRUGULAT Banyoles
Boixader Garcia Clàudia 8/3/2019 ESCOLA XARXA Berga
Braun Sala Marc 8/3/2019 CENTRE ESCOLAR EMPORDÀ Roses
Budesca De San Luis Omar 8/3/2019 LES MARINES Castelldefels
Calvi Ricaldez Joheel 8/3/2019 INSTITUT LA GUINEUETA Barcelona
Campos Haro Carla 8/3/2019 INSTITUT EL FOIX Sta. Margarida I Els Monjos ( Barcelona)
Carbonell Canals Ricard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ANGELETA FERRER I SENSAT Sant Cugat Del Vallès
Carrasco Irigaray Joel 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ROVIRA-FORNS Santa Perpètua De Mogoda
Castro Lopez Gerard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ANGELETA FERRER I SENSAT Sant Cugat Del Vallès
Clavaguera Viñals Arnau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT SANT FELIU DE GUÍXOLS Sant Feliu De Guíxols
De Graaf Sousa Pau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN BOSCÀ Barcelona
De La Muñoza Llopis Ainé 8/3/2019 INSTITUT GORGS Cerdanyola Del Vallès
Del Rio Toledano Javier 8/3/2019 INSTITUT BANÚS Cerdanyola Del Vallès
Demosthenous Bonastre Eleni 8/3/2019 INSTITUT DE L'ARBOÇ L'Arboç
Elipe Fonollosa Jon 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ANTONI DE MARTÍ I FRANQUÈS Tarragona
Erchini Montes Montserrat 8/3/2019 INSTITUT TORRE DEL PALAU Terrassa
Expósito Viana Daniel 8/3/2019 INSTITUT GORGS Cerdanyola Del Vallès
García Jaramillo Darío 8/3/2019 INSTITUT GABRIELA MISTRAL Sant Vicenç Dels Horts
García Muñoz Adrián 8/3/2019 INSTITUT GABRIELA MISTRAL Sant Vicenç Dels Horts
Garcia Raurell Andreu 8/3/2019 CELESTÍ BELLERA Granolllers
Garcia Sàbat Xavier 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JAUME CALLIS Vic
García Tapia Adrián 8/3/2019 C.E. MONLAU Barcelona
Garrabou Benet Eduard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ANTONI TORROJA Cervera, Lleida
Gassull Garcia Albert 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN PUIG I FERRETER La Selva Del Camp
Gavilán Roldós Arturo 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI CLARET Barcelona
Gérez Orús David 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN MIRÓ Cornellà De Llobregat
Gil Martin Malena 8/3/2019 INSTITUT FLOS I CALCAT Barcelona
Gómez Palma Àlex 8/3/2019 ESCOLA JOVIAT Manresa
González García Asier 8/3/2019 DOLORS MALLAFRÈ I ROS Vilanova I La Geltrú
Gonzalo Calbetó Gerard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT LA SERRA Mollerussa
Grandes Umbert Joan 8/3/2019 ESCOLA SANT JOSEP TERESIANES Barcelona
Griera Roca Clara 8/3/2019 ARNAU CADELL Sant Cugat
Guardiola Navarrete Edgar 8/3/2019 ESCOLA PUIGCERVER Reus
Güell Brugués Arnau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT VIDRERES Vidreres
Guiot Cusidó Quim 8/3/2019 ESCOLA SÚNION Barcelona
Haddadi Yichioua Ahlam 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN COROMINES Pineda De Mar
Hernando Delgado Marta 8/3/2019 ESCOLA PÀLCAM Barcelona
Hornas Palomas Biel 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN MERCADER Igualada
Hussain Syed Muhammad Saad 8/3/2019 INSTITUT TERRA ROJA Santa Coloma De Gramenet
Iborra De Toledo Guillem 8/3/2019 FORAT DEL VENT Cerdanyola Del Vallés
Izquierdo Estebanell Ariadna 8/3/2019 INSTITUT MOIANÈS Moià
Lluzar Frías Elena 8/3/2019 ESCOLA SANT JOSEP TERESIANES Barcelona
López Álamo Cristina 8/3/2019 INSTITUT DE BADIA DEL VALLÈS Badia Del Vallès
Marano Garcia David 8/3/2019 FORAT DEL VENT Cerdanyola Del Vallés
Marsal Hoyas Oriol 8/3/2019 INSTITUT DE VIC Vic
Martorell Porter Lara Yao 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ESCOLA INTERMUNICIPAL DEL PENEDES Sant Sadurni D'Anoia
Mendoza Degollada Ignasi 8/3/2019 INSTITUT PERE RIBOT Vilassar De Mar
Moreno Bravo Clara 8/3/2019 INSTITUT FONT DEL FERRO Palafolls
Mousavi Facundo Jan 8/3/2019 ESCOLA PIA Granollers
Nasarre Budiño Miquel 8/3/2019 ESCOLA PIA NOSTRA SENYORA Barcelona
Navarro Díaz Eloi 8/3/2019 ESCOLA VEDRUNA BALAGUER Balaguer
Navarro Fuentes Adrián 8/3/2019 INSTITUT NARCÍS OLLER Valls
Ortiz Vallès Albert 8/3/2019 CIC BATXILLERATS Barcelona
Pallé Barrera Núria 8/3/2019 INSTITUT CIUTAT DE BALAGUER Balaguer
Palobart Martí Arnau 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI BADALONÈS Badalona
Pérez Casas Núria 8/3/2019 SALESIANS SANT VICENÇ DELS HORTS Sant Vicenç Dels Horts
Pérez Lucas Gerard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT RAFAEL CASANOVA Sant Boi De Llobregat
Pons Polo Gerard 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JAUME BALMES Barcelona
Recasens Esparraguera Pau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT CASSÀ DE LA SELVA Cassà De La Selva
Redon Muñoz Pau 8/3/2019 INSTITUT D'ALELLA Alella
Rey Jaén Ainhoa 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAN MIRÓ Cornellà De Llobregat
Ribalta Amigó, Josep 8/3/2019 INSTITUT RIBERA DEL SIÓ Agramunt
Ros Domènech Pol 8/3/2019 BELL-LLOC Girona
Rosales Santos Carlos 8/3/2019 INSTITUT MERCÈ RODOREDA L Hospitalet De Llobregat
Rubio Jiménez Victor 8/3/2019 ESCOLA DAINA-ISARD Olesa De Montserrat
Sala Fernandez Marc 8/3/2019 INSTITUT CARLES VALLBONA Granollers
Sancho Tapia Júlia 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAQUIM RUBIÍ I ORS Sant Boi
Sanfeliu Pérez Ramon 8/3/2019 INSTITUT LA SERRA Mollerussa
Sanz Pérez Nuria 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI LESTONNAC Barcelona
Saula Ferraz Josep 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI EPISCOPAL Lleida
Selezneva Aleksandrovna Aleksandra 8/3/2019 CENTRE ESCOLAR EMPORDÀ Roses
Serrano Avedillo Carlos 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI SANT GABRIEL Sant Adrià Del Besós
Solé Pijuan Ferran 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI EPISCOPAL Lleida
Valderrama López Arturo 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOSEP TAPIRO Reus
Varga  Norbert 8/3/2019 INSTITUT RIBERA DEL SIÓ Agramunt
Vázquez Casadevall Guillem 8/3/2019 INSTITUT ESTEVE TERRADES Cornellà
Soriano Vallverdú Marina 8/3/2019 INSTITUT JOAQUIMA PLA I FARRERAS Sant Cugat
Vàzquez Masana Ruth 8/3/2019 CIC BATXILLERATS Barcelona
Vega Caballero Erik 8/3/2019 INSTITUT LA GUINEUETA Barcelona
Vega Casanovas Andreu 8/3/2019 INSTITUT COSTA I LLOBERA Barcelona
Vernet Armas Èric 8/3/2019 COL·LEGI SAGRADA FAMÍLIA SANT ANDREU Barcelona

Friday 22nd March

Aakki Akhnikh Fatima 22/3/2019 INSTITUT JOSEP MESTRES I BUSQUETS Viladecans
Acosta Bazaga Gerard 22/3/2019 ESCOLA JOAN 23 Tarragona
Agustiño Batet Mario 22/3/2019 SAGRADA FAMILIA Gavà
Álvarez Lamas Unai 22/3/2019 SALESIANS HORTA Barcelona
Aullón Coral Carla 22/3/2019 INSTITUT EUGENI D'ORS Vilafranca Del Penedès
Bardolet Garcia Carlos 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TORREDEMBARRA Torredembarra
Betrán Clos Emma 22/3/2019 INSTITUT JOSEP PLA Barcelona
Beurnio Güell David 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VILAFANT Vilafant
Boix Torres Andreu 22/3/2019 INSTITUT REGUISSOL Santa Maria De Palautordera
Boleda Feliu Gil 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PERE BARNILS Centelles
Borja Valencia Cristian 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MARTA MATA Salou
Bosquet Gallardo Oriol 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TERRA ALTA Gandesa
Burkardt Freire Pol 22/3/2019 INSTITUT REGUISSOL Santa Maria De Palautordera
Caralps Rueda Carlos 22/3/2019 SALESIANS HORTA Barcelona
Carbonell Pedrero Alex 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PAU CASALS Badalona
Carrillo Abellana Bernat 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RAMON CASAS-IBÁÑEZ CARBÓ Palau Solità I Plegamans
Carrizo Cañizares Carlos 22/3/2019 INSTITUT POMPEU FABRA Martorell (Barcelona)
Codina Vilanova Arnau 22/3/2019 LA SALLE BONANOVA Barcelona
Comas Millan Nil 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RIBERA BAIXA El Prat De Llobregat
De La Hoz Garcia Daniel 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VALLDEMOSSA Barcelona
De Pablo Sánchez Victor 22/3/2019 INSTITUT SABADELL Sabadell
Dragusin  Esteban 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RAMON BERENGUER IV Amposta
El Iysaouy El Bonjoue Ikram 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUÍS DE PEGUERA Manresa
Expósito Ragaigne Axel 22/3/2019 LA SALLE-MANLLEU Manlleu
Fauth Puigdomènech Farah 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PERE ALSIUS I TORRENT Banyoles
Fernández Real Andrés 22/3/2019 INSTITUT ANNA GIRONELLA DE MUNDET Barcelona
Fernández Valencia Erika 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MARTA MATA Salou
Franco Martín Mariona 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MANUEL DE CABANYES Vilanova I La Geltrú
Fustagueras Gómez Àlex 22/3/2019 INSTITUT AUSIÀS MARCH Barcelona
Gabaldon Pollero Pol 22/3/2019 ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Barcelona
Galceran Puig Clara 22/3/2019 JESUITES SANT GERVASI - INFANT JESUS Barcelona
Gallardo Campos Ramón 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VALLÈS Sabadell
Gassol Sáez Ivan 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TONA Tona
Gil Diaz Sergio 22/3/2019 INSTITUT NUMÀNCIA Santa Coloma De Gramenet
Giménez Ruiz Luis Miguel 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUÍS DE PEGUERA Manresa
Grau Esteve Maria Dolors 22/3/2019 LA VALL - INSTITUCIÓ Bellaterra
Guinart Dalmau Nerea 22/3/2019 VEDRUNA SAGRAT COR Tarragona
Hammada - Mohamed 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VALLVERA Salt
Hernàndez Toledo Adrià 22/3/2019 LA SALLE BARCELONETA Barcelona
Herrera Garcia Pau 22/3/2019 INSTITUT  VILATZARA Vilassar De Mar
Hidalgo Pifarré Arnau 22/3/2019 C.E. JAUME VILADOMS Sabadell
Jimenez Medina Emmanuel 22/3/2019 INSTITUT SECRETARI COLOMA Barcelona
Llena Escobedo Antonio 22/3/2019 INSTITUT SALVADOR DALÍ El Prat Del Llobregat
Llopart Ortega Josep 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PLA DE LES MORERES Vilanova Del Camí
Longueira Rusiñol Sergi 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MONTSERRAT ROIG Terrassa
López Izquierdo Germán 22/3/2019 MARISTES VALLDEMIA Mataró
López Oliva Víctor 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PAU VILA Sabadell
López Pérez Pol 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUIS VIVES Barcelona
Machetti Valverdú Pau 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RONDA Lleida
Marcet Sardà Pol 22/3/2019 C.E. JAUME VILADOMS Sabadell
Marcos Rojas Pilar 22/3/2019 SANTO ANGEL Gavà
Martín Ortega Marc 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PLA DE LES MORERES Vilanova Del Camí
Martinez Cot Roger 22/3/2019 SALVADOR ESPRIU Barcelona
Martínez Escribano Isaac 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUÍS COMPANYS Tordera
Martinez Martinez Raul 22/3/2019 PUIG CASTELLAR Santa Coloma De Gramenet
Martorell Dos Santos Víctor 22/3/2019 BERENGUER D'ENTENÇA L'Hospitalet De L'Infant
Medrano Da Silva Carlos 22/3/2019 INSTITUT NUMÀNCIA Santa Coloma De Gramenet
Mercader Palomé Adrià 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUÍS COMPANYS Tordera
Molina Bodego David 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PAU CASALS Badalona
Monfort Ruiz Enric 22/3/2019 MARISTES VALLDEMIA Mataró
Montagut Bel Sofia 22/3/2019 INSTITUT JAUME I Salou
Morillas Muñoz Pau 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MENÉNDEZ Y PELAYO Barcelona
Muntal Freixas Kevin 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PERE BARNILS Centelles
Naranjo Maestre Laura 22/3/2019 MONTSERRAT ROIG Sant Andreu De La Barca
Perez Pont Clara 22/3/2019 INSTITUT PERE CALDERS Cerdanyola Del Valles
Pieres Termes Roger 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MANOLO HUGUÉ Caldes De Montbui
Poveda García Cesar 22/3/2019 ESCOLA JOAN 23 Tarragona
Puigmal Tubau Miquel 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VILAFANT Vilafant
Rabanal Cajal Pol 22/3/2019 SALESIANS DE SARRIÀ Barcelona
Rakye Abouelksim Oussama  (Dia 22 De Març ) 22/3/2019 INSTITUT CASTELLET Sant Vicenç De Castellet
Rayo Sanchez Pol 22/3/2019 PUIG CASTELLAR Santa Coloma De Gramenet
Reig Plazas Eloi 22/3/2019 INSTITUT L'ALZINA Barcelona
Reixach Montagut Hugo 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VINYET Sitges
Rincon Cucurella Paula 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RAMON CASAS-IBÁÑEZ CARBÓ Palau Solità I Plegamans
Rojas Enriquez Diego 22/3/2019 INSTITUT VALLVERA Salt
Ros López Àngel 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MONTSERRAT MIRÓ I VILÀ Montcada I Reixac
Rosell Ollé Blai 22/3/2019 INSTITUT GELIDA Gelida
Ruíz Mercadé Josep 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TORREDEMBARRA Torredembarra
Saldaña Gracia Ricardo 22/3/2019 JESUITES SANT GERVASI - INFANT JESUS Barcelona
Sánchez Ferrón Ana 22/3/2019 TORRAS I BAGES Hospitalet De Llobregat
Segura Lladó Lluc 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MONTSERRAT Barcelona
Sierra Gutiérrez Mario 22/3/2019 INSTITUT MERCÈ RODOREDA L Hospitalet De Llobregat
Tarín Olivares Joaquim 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TORRE DEL PALAU Terrassa
Tortosa Olivera Júlia 22/3/2019 LA SALLE MOLLERUSSA Mollerussa
Tricas Arjol Arnau 22/3/2019 INSTITUT TORRE DEL PALAU Terrassa
Trullols Puigcerver Albert 22/3/2019 INSTITUT LLUIS VIVES Barcelona
Vidal Marcos Eric 22/3/2019 INSTITUT RAMON BERENGUER IV Amposta
Moreno Mariscal Sandra 22/3/2019 INSTITUT GIOLA Llinars Del Vallès
Vila Bagaria Sígrid 22/3/2019 LA SALLE-MANLLEU Manlleu
Villalba Pérez Marc 22/3/2019 INSTITUT SALVADOR DALÍ El Prat Del Llobregat


Vídeo on s'explica com es desenvolupa el Taller (TFP 2017)
Target public
2n batx. students with special interest in Physics
First Edition
Second Edition
International Programme "Hands on Particle Physics"
Particle Physics
Only for schools


Come to make particle physics with real data from the LHC accelerator from CERN

Workshop within the framework of the international program “Hands on Particle Physics”                            

 AT the UB from 2005 

Every year thousands of high school students from all over the world become particle physicists for a day, at the Particle Physics Workshop.

  • What are the fundamental constituents of matter?
  • Which forces hold them together?
  • How can it be that to understand the evolution of the Universe is necessary to study the tiny elementary particles?
  • What does the discovery of the Higgs boson represent?



  • Talks on particle physics given by our researchers at CERN.
  • Study with real data produced at LHC made by the students at the workshop. The results are combined with those obtained by other groups around the world through videoconferencing.
  • Brief presentation of the Physics Faculty and a visit to their laboratories.





Biennal Ciutat i Ciència

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@ICCUBdivulga @ICC_UB


International Masterclasses: @physicsIMC #LHCIMC / #lhcimc

Related Material

Partícules elementals, detectors i acceleradors
Elementary particle detectors and accelerators

Presentation of the detectors talk of the Masterclass on Particle Physics.

Ceremonies, Conferences & Talks
Eugeni Graugés, ICCUB
Institut de Ciències del Cosmos (ICCUB)
Particle Physics


With the collaboration of
the Catalan Society of Physics

Societat Catalana de Física