Outreach Material
What is the role of women in the history of physics? What are their contributions?
El món quàntic està format per àtoms, els elements fonamentals de la vida. En ell, el temps i l'espai funcionen de manera diferent al nostre món.
Entrega 25 de la colecció Un paseo por el cosmos, RBA 2016
Researcher David Mateos have been invited to the Physics section of José Ignacio Latorre at the Show “Aquí, amb Josep Cuní” in La SER Catalunya.
“The first great step of quantum mechanics is surprising. It starts off from an unavoidable fact. In the world of the smallest elements, when we try to measure, we alter what we measure.
Jose Ignacio Latorre talks with Dani Arbós in the "Els matins" from TV3 about Quantum Physics.
The ICREA research professors Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO-UPC) and David Mateos (ICCUB) talk about quantum physics, explaining why it has shaken u
Inaugural debate of “Quantum” exhibition with the participation of Mónica Bello, curator and director of Arts at CERN; José Ignacio Latorre, scientific adviser to the exhibition; and the artists Ju
Video of the complete edition of March 22, 2019 of the Workshop on Particle Physics
Interview with the physicist Roberto Emparan talking about black holes characteristicsand how science tries to define their nature.