Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
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Opinion article, written by Luis Moreno, professor at the CSIC and Raúl Jiménez, ICCUB researcher and ICREA professor. The quantum computing revolution is already happening. Thanks to these ideas, to the principle of pure abstract thoughts and without obvious application, it might save us from the next pandemic without losing our parents and grandparents and without having to be home for months in a row.
Raúl Jiménez is a theoretical physicist and his interests are focused on solving a series of problems on cosmology and astrophysics. His research ranges from the physics of the early universe to the physics of the stars, seeking to connect ideas in theoretical physics with observable phenomena. Among its main objectives is to achieve an understanding of the fundamental laws of nature, using cosmological and astronomical observations.
Raúl Jiménez, an ICREA Researcher of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona, talks about his latest book Behind Closed Doors: Views on Life Changes During Pandemic Times, 2019-21 that was published last Tuesday, June 8.
Link with the article on Agenda Pública
Raúl Jiménez Tellado, ICREA professor at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences and Luis Moreno Fernández, research professor at the IInstituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (CSIC) comment in this article on "Public Agenda" of "El País" the news about the Quantum supremacy solution fear part of the google portal and analyze the possible implications.