Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
Outreach Material
FORMATNº plosters: 16 posters Size: 42,0 * 59,4 cm (A2) Format: posters laminated on foam board ASSEMBLE:Designed to be hanged
Plastic box (75 cm x 60 cm x 18 cm). It fits in the car's rear compartment.
Secretaria de la Facultat de Física
Facultat de Física, planta 1
C/Martí i Franquès, 1
08028 Barcelona
Exhibition devoted to researcher women who have significantly contributed to the field of Nuclear Physics.
The exhibition was prepared by the Equality Commission of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona, and is managed by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB).
Calendars with the content of the exhibition (2011, 2013) available to download.
What is the role of women in the history of physics? What are their contributions?
2011 Calendar based on the exhibition "Investigadores en física nuclear"