Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology

Particle Physics, Atomic-Nuclear, Gravitation, Cosmology
Outreach Material
Report on the Workshop on Particle Physics, a workshop for high school students that the ICCUB organises annually in the Faculty of Physics.
Script: Hugo Ruiz
Realitzation: Servei d'Audiovisuals de la UB
Credits: Universitat de Barcelona/ICCUB
Catalan version of The Large Hadron Collider, a description of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
This website is an easy introduction to particle physics where the relation of particle physics with radiation, medicine and Big Bang is explained and some theoretical concepts, as the Standar