ICCUB news

Hamamatsu Photonics presents the ADMIRA project with 24 photonics kits

Entrega dels Kits de Fotònica per part de David Castrillo a la Jornada de Formació de Professorat del projecte ADMIRA el passat dijous 21 d’abril.

The company Hamamatsu, world leader in photonics technology, has presented the schools members of the ADMIRA (Activitats amb Detectors Medipix per Investigar la Radiació a l'Aula) outreach project with 24 “Photonics Explorer” kits, with the objective of bringing science closer to the schools of Catalonia while believing in an experimental, hands-on philosophy.

The ADMIRA project, with the participation of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University Of Barcelona (ICCUB), CERN and currently 24 schools of Catalonia, wishes to formally thank Hamamatsu Photonics for their generous contribution which, we are certain, will have a great educational impact and will represent and added value to the members of the project.

Each kit contains a class set of generic, durable and versatile optical experimental components to discuss photonics in class, such as polarisers, colour filters, lasers, lenses... This is supported by a didactic framework consisting of worksheets, factsheets, teacher guide and multimedia material, now available in Catalan at the ADMIRA website. The Photonics Explorer is specifically designed to integrate into, enhance, and complement existing European secondary school science curricula.

David Castrillo, representative of Hamamatsu, delivered the kits to the schools last Thursday, April 21st, during the first Teacher’s Training Day of the 21/22 ADMIRA project year, where the attendees enjoyed a number of conferences from experts in radioactivity, particle detection and cosmic rays as well as an interactive fog chamber workshop.

The synergies between industry and academia (research institutions and schools) help foster innovation, creativity and a passion for science among youngsters, encouraging the future generations of scientists and engineers. We reiterate our gratitude to Hamamatsu.

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