ICCUB news

Roberto Emparan, researcher of the ICCUB, has participated in the new documentary series Territorio Gravedad about the physical phenomenon of gravity

Investigador de l'ICCUB Roberto Emparan


ICCUB’s researcher Roberto Emparan has participated in one of the episodes of the new series within the outreach project Gravity Land.


This project aims to give a global perspective of the phenomenon of gravity throughout history and to that purpose it presents two initiatives: a documentary TV series and a multimedia content platform that will allow us to delve into the topics at hand: cosmology, relativity and mostly, gravity. 


The series will have a total of eleven episodes of sixty minutes each and it is planned to air in November, 2021. Among the attendants to the premiere, are the people who collaborated with the crowdfunding started by the production team and which has made the project possible. The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the UB (ICCUB) and the Institute of Space Sciences of Catalonia (IEEC) can be found among the co funding institutions.


In episode 9, «Más allá de la relatividad general, I: Cuando la relatividad encontró a la cuántica» you will be able to see professor Emparan giving some interviews on gravity. The structure of the series will follow a key theme, gravity, around which a number of interviews to singular characters will be braided that will act as a narrative guide.  


The main goal of the project is to show the beauty and richness of science, integrated in the rest of our daily activities. A broad-banded knowledge transmission from which to draw conclusions in various areas.


Stay tuned for the final premiere dates!

If you want to collaborate with the crowdfunding, you can do so here.

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