Outreach Material
2011 Calendar based on the exhibition "Investigadores en física nuclear"
Exhibition devoted to researcher women who have significantly contributed to the field of Nuclear Physics.
Catalan translation made at ICCUB of the video The bottle to bang, a description of the route of the protons at CERN, from the hydrogen cylinder, to the Large Hadron Accelerator (LHC), thr
The 26th International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2018, was held from July 22 – 27, 2018 in Barcelona.
Model of the LHCb made by the Grau Alcázar workshop, under the supervision of the group on particle physics at Universitat de Barcelona.
The night sky is full of amazing images, which catch our eyes and blow our minds. However, there is much more out there: things that are waiting to be discovered.
"Democracias Robotizadas" talks about the role that machine learning, artificial intelligence, bayesian statistics and quantum computing will have on our societies.
Richard Feynman (1918-1988) és un dels pares de l’electrodinàmica quàntica (QED, per la forma en anglès quantum electrodynamics), raó per la qual va rebre el Premi Nobel de Física l’a
Presentation of the practical exercice of workshop on particle physics.
This diptych briefly explains what is LHCb, one of the CERN detectors to make experiments in the LHC particle collider.
Slides for the talk "LHC, desvetllant els secrets de la matèria" where the basics concepts of the Particle Physics are explained until LHC.