Dark Energy and the Expanding Universe
ICCUB pre-doctoral researcher Cristian Moreno was at the Castelldefels Digital studios talking about dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the Universe last November 17.
ICCUB pre-doctoral researcher Cristian Moreno was at the Castelldefels Digital studios talking about dark energy and the accelerated expansion of the Universe last November 17.
In an article published in BBC’s journal Sky at Night researchers, among which we find ICCUB’s Postdoc researcher Tomás Andrade, study the possible exist
Licia, Teresa and Iris
The study investigates an unusual brightening of a star. The ICCUB –IEEC astronomer Josep Manel Carrasco is one of the authors of the study.
The night of October 22-23, 2019, a new instrument installed in a telescope in Arizona made its first light observation pointing its 5,000 eyes of optical spectra to the cosmos. The device, which will observe a record figure of galaxies and quasars, tested its unique vobservation of the Universe.
Astrophysicists point to a crack in the standard model of Cosmology. The precision of new observational results on the early and late Universe have increased and researchers suggest the requirement of new physics to fit the new data. This is the main conclusion of a study published in Nature Astronomy and signed by researchers from the University of Barcelona, the University of California (United States) and the Johns Hopkins University (Maryland, United States).
Link with the article on Agenda Pública
Raúl Jiménez Tellado, ICREA professor at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences and Luis Moreno Fernández, research professor at the IInstituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (CSIC) comment in this article on "Public Agenda" of "El País" the news about the Quantum supremacy solution fear part of the google portal and analyze the possible implications.
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences, ICCUB (IEEC-UB) participates in the 13th edition of the Barcelona Science Festival, which will take place at Moll de la Fusta, on 26 and 27 October 2019. The event consists of 190 activities on science, technology, knowledge and culture, distributed in 26 spaces, with the goal to bring the research done in Barcelona and its area of influence closer to citizens.
On Wednesday, September 18th at 18:30 at the Institute for Catalan Studies, IEC, will be presented the exhibition "Dones i física", prepared by the Catalan Physics Society, SCF, a subsidiary of the Institute for Catalan Studies in collaboration with the Institute of Cosmos Sciences, ICCUB, and the Faculty