Simulations of Quantum Mechanics
Simulations of Quantum Mechanics starts as a collaborative project involving undergraduate students, professors and researchers. It is based on the development of computer programs, created by students under the supervision of professors, which allow introducing basic concepts of quantum mechanics and the physics of ultracold gases to the students of baccalaureate and degree. The programs carried out aim to be rigorous from the scientific point of view, solving the relevant equations in a precise manner, combined with a graphical interface that allows users to interact with them in a pleasant way.
Encourage cooperation among seniors of degree
Bring seniors in the research that takes place in our department
Produce a useful tool for the dissemination of science at the high school level
This is an open project. If you are interested in collaborating, please contact Bruno Julia Diaz, brunojulia@ub.edu
This project develops programs specifically designed to bring quantum physics phenomena to a heterogeneous audience. In recent years Quantum Technologies research is receiving a strong global push. These technologies will allow in a near future to use aspects of quantum mechanics to improve our computing capacity, to solve complex problems or even to improve our communications. The material developed in this project aims to bring this quantum physics to the citizen.
So far we have developed two simulations. One deals with the problem of the double slit in a two-dimensional space and the other opposes the classical movement of a rolling ball with that of a quantum particle in a similar potential. These two programs allow us to explain concepts such as the wave-particle duality, the tunnel effect, and to discuss the probabilistic nature of the measurement.
This project started in February 2018
Coordinators: Bruno Julia Diaz (@brunojulia) / Muntsa Guilleumas
Developers: Daniel Allepuz Requena (@DanielAllepuz) / Jan Albert Iglesias (@ JanAlbertIglesias) / Rafael da Silva (@rahensilva) / Rosa Flaquer (@rosaflaquer) / Adria Bravo (@adriarwin) / Julia Cabrera (@juliacabrera) / Manu Canals (@CanalsManu) / Marina Orta (@marinaorta) / Rosa Flaquer (@rosaflaquer)
Collaborators: Artur Polls
The main goal of this project is to build interactive codes to play with quasionedimensional Bose-Einstein condensates by pinning dark and bright solitons.
- Module of quantum mechanics. To exemplify some aspects of quantum mechanics
- Bright solitons module. Allows the user to play with bright solits contracted in a condensation Bose-Einstein 1D
- Dark solitons module. It allows the user to play with a dark solitons contracted in a condensation Bose-Einstein 1D
This project started in summer 2016.
Coordinators: Bruno Julia Diaz (@brunojulia) / Muntsa Guilleumas
Developers: Daniel Allepuz Requena (@DanielAllepuz) / Jan Albert Iglesias (@ JanAlbertIglesias) / Rafael da Silva (@rahensilva) / Rosa Flaquer (@rosaflaquer)
Collaborators: Artur Polls
The project started in 2019, and it aims to develop programs specifically focused on bringing the phenomena of classical physics closer to the general public. It focuses specifically on molecular dynamics simulations, to reveal the concepts of temperature and entropy. Simulations allow the study of phenomena such as thermalization between two gases or the evolution of entropy in a dynamic simulation in real-time.
Coordinators: Bruno Julia Diaz (@brunojulia) / Muntsa Guilleumas / Carles Calero
Developers: Arnau Jurado (@arnau-jr), Jofre Vallès ( jofrevalles)
The "Simulations of Quantum Mechanics" workshop will participate in YOMO 2019 from 25th to 29th of February 2020.
Quantum technologies will be of great importance in the near future incomputing and cryptography techniques and information handling.
The workshop consists of making simulations with computers of several experiments in which the quantum properties of matter are revealed.
Quantum technologies will be of great importance in the near future incomputing and cryptography techniques and information handling.
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